Samsung has recently launched wind-free Wi-Fi-enabled AC’s in India with prices starting at INR 90,000+ GST which contains India’s first PM 1.0 Filter that not only filters dust particles up to 0.3 microns but also sterilizes virus and bacteria using an electrostatic charger, ensuring a clean and pure air at home, office, malls, restaurants etc.
These wind free and WiFi-enabled AC’s have four types of display, a PM 1.0 sensor and three different types of filters. The Pre-Filter takes care of large dust particles, the Deodorization Filter removes unpleasant odour and the PM 1.0 Filter consists of an electrostatic charger which captures and sterilizes particles with size up to 0.3 microns. The PM 1.0 filter is washable and reusable too.
The Ionizer is helpful in improving the air quality by neutralizing viruses and bacteria in the air by generating hydrogen and oxygen ions that greatly reduce the biological contamination.
Samsung Launches Wind-Free ACs in India with PM 1.0 Filter
This article talks about the newly launched wind free, WIFi enabled PM 1.0 AC’s by Samsung in India, review, features, price in India