OnePlus has rolled out betas OnePlus 5/5T and 6/6T Software Updates on different mobile phones. These latest unveiled Beta updates will surely improve performance and the user experience on for OnePlus older smartphones users. Improvements like Digital Wellbeing and Wind Down will help end users to take a short or long break from their phone screens by turning the brilliant colorful screen to gray color.
In addition, the users can track the time spent and notifications received per app using this feature. For your information, many pixel smartphones from Google, Samsung mobile phones and a few others already have the Digital Wellbeing app.
Fnatic Mode is another great addition to OnePlus handsets which will provide an ‘immersive gaming experience’ as stated by OnePlus. As stated earlier, other features of OnePlus 7 Pro like Zen Mode, DC Dimmimg, Screen Recorder are also expected to arrive shortly on OnePlus 5/5T/6/6T in addition to Android Q.
Without wasting much time, let us give you the sneak-peek of all the exciting additions (confirmed by Manu J. on One Plus community by sharing the detailed change-log on May’19) you shall now able to enjoy in OnePlus 5/5T & 6/6T. And for your kind information, some set of features are common to OnePlus 7.
Here’s everything you wanted to hear about new OnePlus 6/6T and 5/5T software updates and the wonderful improvements:
1) Now, both OnePlus 5 and OnePlus 5T are supported with the Quick Pairing feature and the Bullets Wireless 2 earphones. This Quick Pairing feature works very similar to the Apple Airpods with the iPhones. Also, the new version update has fixed the automatic answering issue that keeps troubling OnePlus users while connecting to a Bluetooth handset.
2) Android Q Developer Preview is already available for OnePlus 7 Pro and OnePlus6/6T users. Android Q has been promised for OnePlus 5/5T users too but no deadline has been confirmed. (Very much scenario like OnePlus 3/3T users who got their third and final major upgrade in the form of Android P this year which was delivered very late in May’19).
3) Fnatic Mode to block all distractions, boost CPU performance, network speed in the device. The feature shall help the phone reach its maximum performance while playing games (sounds like a major upgrade over the Gaming Mode already present in OnePlus 6/6T users).
4) Zen Mode to stop all notifications and distractions for 20 minutes. The user will still have access to the device’s camera and make emergency calls. (Again, sounds like a rip off from Digital Wellbeing App given on Pixel phones initially to power down the phone from Sunset to Sunrise or as per user specifications to stop all notifications and allowing the phone user a much-deserved break).
5) Quick Reply in Landscape Mode. Yeah, after this update one can directly reply in landscape mode while watching a movie or playing games without having to switch over to portrait mode.
6) DC dimming: The screen brightness will/can be reduced by the user by changing the circuit power of the screen. This feature will arrive first for OnePlus 6/6T users and then testing for OnePlus 5/5T users will begin.
7) Screen Recorder to enable users to record their gameplay as a video or even make a video tutorial with high-quality internal sound included.
8) RAM Boost to increase RAM utilization according to te user’s usage, will also predict apps one wants to launch and data one wants to load.OnePlus 6/6T users already have Smart-Boost function and will upgrade to RAM Boost in future updates. OnePlus 5/5T users will also get this feature in the future (although, as usual, OnePlus 6/6T users will receive this feature before OnePlus 5/5T users).
Way to go, OnePlus with these awesomely new OnePlus 6/6T Software Updates and wonderful improvements!
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