Qualcomm has launched its next 5G chipset recently, the Snapdragon 690, first 5G connectivity in 6-series chips to get support for the next-generation networking standard. The company says that there is more than 70% improvement in AI performance compared to the predecessor in the newly launched Qualcomm Snapdragon 690 5G Processor.
Now the user can capture/ make memories with high resolution 4K videos, as this Qualcomm Snapdragon 690 5G Processor supports 4K HDR video capture, again a definite first in the 6-series. Also, one can capture brilliant and professional photos with upto 192 MP capture support in this chipset.
With the advent of 5G connectivity, one can stream/ record 4K HDR videos flawlessly and watch the most intense movies, play heavy games, and watch shows; with more advanced and refined Adreno 619L one can get upto 60% faster graphics rendering as compared to previous Snapdragon 675 Mobile Platform.
Now smooth display is not just for high end devices only, as Qualcomm Snapdragon 690 5G Processor supports 120 Hz on-device display, once again a first in the 6-series. The Snapdragon™ X51 5G Modem-RF System combines speed and power efficiency for an ultra-fast, superior 5G connection.
Snapdragon 690 5G is built on a 8 nm, 64 bit architecture, that allows you to launch apps and complete tasks without lag and in addition the octa core, 2.0 GHz Qualcomm® Kryo 560 has new architectures for powerful and efficient performance. Also, Snapdragon 690 offers upto 20% improved CPU performance compared to predecessor and it supports Qualcomm® Quick Charge™ 4+ Technology which charges up your phone 4x faster than ordinary charging.
The SD 690 is first 6-series to support dual Wi-Fi Antennas (2×2 Wi-Fi) and Wi-Fi 6 features, with the Qualcomm® FastConnect™ 6200 System. Also supported is display Port over USB Type-C support and Near Field Communications (NFC) support.
“We are focused on bringing 5G to everyone…We have more than 60 OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) who have launched or announced 5G devices and we have more than 375 5G devices either in the market or out. 5G is deploying much more rapidly than 4G,” Deepu John, senior director of product management at Qualcomm, said.
“In the same time duration, after 5G deployment started, we have had more than 60 operators in 30-plus countries and more than 40 OEMs launching 5G devices. In fact this year, Qualcomm expects 175-225 million 5G handsets to be sold worldwide. So you can see the sheer scale and breadth of adoption of 5G,” he said.
John explained while 5G capability is available in premium smartphones, the company wants to “bring more flagship experiences” like immersive camera and intensive and interactive gaming to billions of people.
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